Greeen Input
Greeener Output
What is GreeenTech?
Customer Segments
Retail chains
International companies / Office houses
Job applicant: Do you provide any benefits?
HR manager: We offer a range of perks, including home office, snacks and coffee in the kitchen, and sick days.
Narrator: Hmm, those benefits are so old and boring. What if you could harvest fresh crops right in your own office and choose what to grow next? It's the ultimate cool benefit!
With this benefit, all employees will be excited to come back to the office and start a new, healthy routine with fresh, sustainable produce.
HORECA – Restaurants & Hotels
Agriculture sector & Small local farmers
You don't need to be a growing expert or a manufacturing engineer to start your own farm. Our team is here to help you with all the important steps, including cultivation planning, site preparation, commissioning, and installation.
With our guidance and support, you can start seeing profits within just 6 months from your first harvest. Let us help you turn your farming dreams into a reality.
At GreeenTech, we are committed to creating a positive impact in our communities by providing access to fresh, locally-grown produce. Our innovative vertical farms can democratize access to fresh food in various segments, including hospitals, schools, non-profit organizations, municipal stations, and more.
We believe that our community is our driving force, and we invite you to join our movement to satisfy the needs of everyone in your community.
We are sure that with our farms you quickly become real King of Crop 👸🏾 🤴
Our values
Green Impact
Provide Best Tech&Grow Experience
Team Support
Stay focused
12,19 m (long) x 2,44 m (wide) x 2,99 m (high)
Growing area: 64 m2
Crop capacity: 4.000 (pcs/month)
12,19 m (long) x 2,44 m (wide) x 2,99 m (high)
Growing area: 64 m2
Crop capacity: 4.000 (pcs/month)
1 – Ventilation system
2 – Control system
3 – Preparation room
4 – Germination zone
5 – Grow zone
6 – Irrigation system
7 – Dosing device
Is GreeenBox too big for you?
From media
České saláty porostou v Arábii. Pražský startup buduje své farmy přímo v místních supermarketech
Hydroponické pěstování rostlin dává velký smysl tam, kde šetří každou kapkou vody. České farmy se uplatní v katarském Sparu nebo Carrefouru.
Zeleninu vypěstují i na poušti. Český startup GreenTech reprezentuje na Expu
Soběstačnost se po opakovaných globálních krizích, jejichž součástí je i současná pandemie koronaviru, stane jedním z klíčových trendů příštích let.
Lokální farmy budou za pár let velký trend, říká ředitel firmy GreenTech
Pěstují zeleninu uvnitř. Dmitrij Lipovskij, ředitel a zakladatel firmy GreeenTech, přibližuje, co jejich firma nabízí v rámci indoor farem a pěstíren a kam se chce posunout.